Making Connections: Creating Connected Corners

In the world of quilting, there is something truly magical about the way fabric pieces come together to form intricate patterns. One technique that adds charm and visual interest to quilt blocks is creating connected corners. Today, we'll explore the art of connected corners using the snowballed corners method, as taught by the Missouri Star Quilt Company. Get ready to learn how to make connections that will elevate your quilting projects to new heights.

Beach Shacks Quilt (Copyright Angela Finn, 2019).

Connected corners refer to a quilting technique where a small triangle is attached to the corner of a fabric piece, then folded back and trimmed, to add a delightful touch of detail and design. This technique offers a different way of creating a triangle shape without working with bias cut pieces. It also is a way to create an illusion of ‘rounded corners’ on a larger fabric piece, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the quilt block.

The snowballed corners technique, popularized by the Missouri Star Quilt Company, is a simple and effective way to achieve connected corners. Here's how you can incorporate this method into your quilting projects:

  1. Start with a fabric piece that will serve as the main block or unit.

  2. Choose a contrasting or complementary fabric for the connected corner triangle.

  3. Cut a square from the corner of the main fabric piece, making sure it is large enough to accommodate the desired size of the connected corner.

  4. Draw a line on the contrasting fabric square diagonally.

  5. Place one of the squares on top of the corner of the main fabric, aligning the edges.

  6. Stitch along the diagonal edge, attaching the square to the main fabric piece.

  7. Press the square in half towards the corner (hence the name connected corners)!

  8. Fold the top layer back and trim 1/4” from the stitch line.

  9. Repeat the process for all corners that you wish to connect.

Connected corners offer endless design possibilities. By strategically choosing fabric combinations and arranging your blocks, you can create stunning quilt patterns. Whether you prefer a controlled color scheme or a scrappy, improvisational design, connected corners add depth, texture, and visual interest to your quilts. Play with different fabric prints, colors, and corner sizes to personalize your creations.

Connected corners breathe life into quilt blocks, providing a sense of cohesion and visual appeal. The snowballed corners method, as taught by the Missouri Star Quilt Company, offers a simple and effective way to incorporate this technique into your quilting projects. By mastering the art of creating connected corners, you will have another tool in your quilting toolbox to elevate your designs.

Experiment with different fabric combinations, explore various block layouts, and let your creativity run wild. Embrace the connections you create as you stitch together beautiful quilt blocks. The Missouri Star Quilt Company's snowballed corners technique is just the beginning of your journey to unlocking the potential of connected corners in your quilting adventures. Enjoy the process of making connections and watch as your quilts come to life with charm and character.


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