Iconic Quilts on the Bucket List…

Welcome to Wednesday!

Today has been one of those days when nothing has gone to plan, including WiFi issues and working taking over your whole life…

Then you suddenly realise that you haven’t published your blog post and you are a day late for writing it and getting it together…grrr!

So today I have chosen to enjoy my time reflecting on a common goal amongst many of us which is to make a few of those iconic, character building quilts that are traditional and make them modern…or not…and experience the difficulty level to learn and develop new skills and techniques (and in my case it is always about using up the scraps too)!

The quilt I am (trying) to share online today is my version of an American Beauty which I absolutely love, and enjoyed every minute of making. It is my first of this kind but I can safely say I don’t think it will be my last.

With the slow (snail pace) internet today, I can’t upload many images as they are taking too long but I will update the gallery, and maybe even talk a bit more about the quilting of this beauty next week.

That a wrap from me! Short and short today. If you are not already, think about which are the iconic quilts you have on your own bucket list (if any) but most of all — happy quilting!


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