Turning down the Volume!

I had some fabrics in mind for this quilt as I didn’t want to be too traditional with baby pinks but I did still want to nod to the traditions of softer colours for the new baby.

All good in theory, but how do you get going to experiment with colours that you like, but that you have not used before?

In my case, I decided to work with a very traditional block for this quilt, my thinking being that at least the block didn’t have to be a major decision and I would have more headspace to work through my colour choices.

I had made 2 other small quilts for the new baby so I decided to start with a Waste Not, Want Not approach and to use the off-cuts (left over fabric) to make this additional quilt. I had a perfect bundle of ‘Low Volume’ fabrics that I had purchased from GJDiscount Fabrics in Melbourne (at time of writing these were still available). In a brainwave, I realised I could combine these with the low volume neutral (pinkish) tones of the other fabrics I had chosen for this project.

And…voila! Here is the quilt top. I am now debating on which design to quilt, do I try an edge-to-edge or go with custom free motion quilting? Hmmm…so many choices. I am hoping, that anyone wanting to experiment with colour can take the plunge. Who knows…you may even be a step closer to finding your own distinct look for your quilting projects. I know that it has been a great experience for me and I love this little quilt.

Have a great day, try something you haven’t done before, and most of all — happy quilting!


Diamonds & Pearls for a Precious Someone…


Calculating Edge 2 Edge Pricing