Quilty Quirks…Paying it forward

I had just finished quilting my Diamonds for Pearl quilt and was taking my documentation images of the front and back when I realised that I have a little quilty quirk. Can you guess what it might be?

Yes, to anyone who thought it might be that I use at least one piece of fabric from a quilt I have just finished within the next quilt I make. In some cases, it may be a background fabric or one feature print in a single square that I can sneak into the quilt top, or at the least, some of the fabric ends up in a random block somewhere within a pieced backing.

I don’t know that this started out just as a way of using up some of the lovely quilting fabrics that might be left over or if it was an unintentional way of keeping a connection between all of my quilts and the owners (usually family members) that they have been gifted to since being completed. It is a romantic notion, but I am also fond of creating personal superstitions so it might also have become one of these superstitious practices that I have now permanently adopted for good luck for me, my quilts and their new owners.

That a wrap from me, I will post a few examples of my pieced backings in the gallery and you can see if you can find any of the connections there. It is a reminder for me to make sure I take images of my quilt backings too as I did think I had been doing OK in that department but it turns out I have been a bit hit and miss with this task!

Have a great day, try something you haven’t done before, and most of all — happy quilting!


Old Doilies for a New Quilt


‘Bluey’ a True Blue Patriotic Quilt